Dr Lauren

facilitating the connections that allow for life to fully express


the practice

“Be the change you wish to see in the world” ~Mahatma Ghandi

In a world that seems constantly connected yet incredibly disconnected, we see the opportunity for transformation right in front of us.  

In a country with more medical and pharmaceutical interventions at our fingertips, we are seeing a continuous rise in chronic health conditions, rapid aging, and a lower quality of life.  

For the first time ever, vast information and resources are available to anyone to discover anything it seems like.  A blessing and a curse.

We want to see the walls of isolation brought down so you no longer feel like you are sitting in a room alone and misunderstood about your concerns for what’s happening to you and your family.  

 Your body is an incredible gift you have been given for this life and it is constantly sending signals and messages about how it is functioning.  

We are here to help you decipher the messages and clues God is revealing so you can piece your puzzle together and enjoy that picture you are building.  

No matter where you are in your journey, God has a plan.  And you are an important part of “The Plan”.  So strap on your boots and take a deep breath.  Accept the challenge and embrace the change. 

Are you ready for renewed strength and greater health for you and your family? 

Cheers to a different style of supportive, connective, and loving health care.

changing the future by

Touching Lives



My holistic practice is about supporting you & your body in the healing journey through natural ways. 

As your practitioner, I view dis-ease as a message that something needs to change.  I practice a “root cause”, all-systems approach to health care and seek to restore balance and homeostasis, rather than treat symptoms. 


+ vlogging



After attending countless “lectures” and events over the last 20 years … I find it fascinating how different the energy is when a group of people come together collectively to expand on the information of a topic. 

I cherish one-on-one relationships, but there is also tremendous power in sharing messages to the masses!


Looking for access to and recommendations of our favorite products?  We are putting together our online store that should be live SOON!  

In the meantime, our online dispensary is open and has a slew of amazing products and protocols available through FULLSCRIPT.  

Dr Lauren’s

online dispensary

Enjoy access to our FREE online dispensary with access to the largest catalog of professional-grade supplements.  With over 300 different brands of the top nutritional supplements to choose from, FullScript carries most of our favorite products … some still have to be ordered directly from the company.

Current patients receive 10% off every order and may receive custom recommendations directly from Dr. Lauren with hassle-free ordering and shipping directly to your home. 

P.S. You do not have to be a practice member to gain access.  Please contact us for help setting up your account!

Awaken Indy



It’s time to wake up Indy!  Ready to join the movement that’s sweeping our state? 

Tune in to the local people and places that are seeking, serving, and sharing their knowledge, experience and resources.

Hear from holistic health care practitioners and nutritionists, farmers, natural-minded mamas, papas, and innovators as we shift into a state of connection … let’s build and fuel an empowered, educated and compassionate community. 

Let’s talk VITALITY and how we can support Life’s full expression in our health, in our mind, body and beyond. 

Wake Up. Tune In.  Fuel Up.  Be Well.

to healthy tips & insider information,

special pricing and

all sorts of awesome announcements …


10725 West State Road 47
Thorntown, IN 46071

4375 Georgetown Road
Indianapolis, IN 46254