Offerings and


our global

Individualized + Personal

Health Care

Functional Medicine is a whole body, all-systems approach to restoring health by addressing the underlying root cause of the problem.  A comprehensive health history, state-of-the-art testing, and health consulting solutions are at the foundation of our practice.

Holistic Chiropractic Care is focused on naturally removing interference between the brain and body to restore the natural flow and communication of the nervous system, endocannabinoid system, cardiovascular system, lymphatics, digestion and more!

Alternative Therapies  can be a wonderful compliment or stand-alone treatment for a variety of different conditions for people of all ages.  We utilize cold laser (low level laser therapy), Graston technique, kinesiotaping,  cranial work, digestive work, nutrition + more.

Diagnostic Testing allows us to assess the health of different aspects of how your body is functioning.  We offer a comprehensive variety of laboratory testing, many of which are non-invasive and can be done at home (great for our pediatric population!)

Local and Long Distance

Dr Lauren is available for local care and long distance consulting depending on your needs and location. All new patients must complete the initial phone interview prior to being accepted for care to ensure we are a good fit.  Should we feel we are not an ideal match, we will gladly make a suggestion of other options and offices to consider. 

Functional medicine services are available as a “tele-health” service to those comfortable with a virtual relationship.  We strongly encourage patients to have a local practitioner on their health care team that can physically touch and be integrated into your personal health care journey, as nothing can take the place of a physical relationship with a knowledgeable, caring physician who can physically evaluate you.  For those who are able to travel to Indiana or reside in and around the Indianapolis and Lafayette area, we offer two locations that are private office spaces and visits are available by appointment only.

Chiropractic care is limited to our Indianapolis, Indiana location but we know many chiropractors around the Indianapolis and Lafayette area that we are happy to make referrals to.  Our out-of-state patients will also receive local recommendations of practices to consider for care. 

our global




This is how we get to share all the latest and greatest insights, discoveries, and research about all things health … mind, body and beyond. 

You get to choose the content you receive that is relevant to your needs and interests.  Much of the information I release is free, some subscriptions have a minimal fee to fund our time away from family to better serve you!


+ vlogging



I’ve attended countless events and “lectures” and I am fascinated of how the energy that fills the room is just different when a group of people collectively come together to expand on the information of a specific topic. 

I cherish one-on-one relationships, but there is also tremendous power in sharing a message to the masses.  Join us and support the mission of shifting into a global awakening!


Clean products and honest companies that source the highest quality ingredients are who we support.

But it doesn’t stop there … we also love resources and books and access to trustworthy leaders that help along the way.

We try to source a selection of superior supplements.  Active members and patients always save 10% as a thank you for supporting small and local.

Interested in getting access to private and professional lines that you can trust (and don’t feel like supporting the questionable supplements from big box stores or unknown Amazon sellers?) …

Reach out for help setting up your FullScript account.

spreading love, light and truth on

social media

Being able to EDUCATE, ENCOURAGE and EMPOWER our community is extremely important … and no matter where you are, you can become part of the mission and the movement. Pick the areas that interest you and join our Facebook cOMmUNITY!


what it’s like to

Holistic chiropractor specializing in pediatrics and pregnancy offering functional medicine services and speaking engagements across the nation on natural remedies, health, quantum physics and conscious living …

